Blog: General

Mickey Rourke Thanks Dogs at Golden Globes

Mickey Rourke has always scared me a little. Now that he looks as freaky as he acts, he scares me a little more. However, I think it’s very sweet that he thanked his dogs in his acceptance speech for Best Actor last night at the Golden Globes. I’ve seen photos of him over the yearsRead more

Hank vs. Snow

Yesterday evening was my first real opportunity to see what Hank thinks of snow. I let him out in our front gated area to play and just watched to see what he’d do. It turns out he loves snow. Loves to eat it, that is! Every bit of fresh snow ended up with his tongueRead more

Stray Dog Rounds the Bases at Citi Field

This story from the Daily News makes me visualized a comic fast motion scene of dog vs. dog catcher. It’s probably closer to the truth that “Jackie” was super scared, but at least she has a chance of getting a good home now. Dog is caught stealing a run at Citi Field BY LISA L.Read more

Blog Fight Over Ft. Greene Dogs

Brownstoner posted a story of an incident in Ft. Greene Park on Christmas Day. His story is here, but do check out his post for the reader comments. A lot of the arguing back and forth are about the Pit Bull as a breed. Only a couple of commenters correctly note that the dogs involvedRead more

Silver Labrador Retrievers

Have you ever heard of a Silver Labrador Retriever? I had not, until someone asked me about them recently. And they do exist! Here’s a photo: There is apparently a controversy surrounding the Silver Lab. The AKC recognizes them as pure Labs, however they list them as “Chocolate” (since Chocolate can range from Chocolate toRead more

Hank Update

Hank is doing well following his surgery. I was hoping that he would be mellow for a day or two post-op and therefore I’d get a bit of a break during the holiday. But, he’s just as rambunctious as ever. Dr. V said that he was raring to go as soon as he woke upRead more

A Site To Make You Smile

Got the holiday blahs? Stressed out from shopping, crowds, the economy, whatever? Check out The Daily Puppy. Every day they post photos and information about a different adorable puppy. If this doesn’t make you smile, you must be a Grinch!

Hank’s Getting Neutered!

So, today is finally the day. I dropped Hank off at the vet’s this morning to be neutered. Hank conveniently got diarrhea the day before his last scheduled appointment, so we had to put it off for a while. I knew it had to be done soon since he’s starting to get picked on byRead more