Blog: General

Marley & Me

In support of the new movie Marley & Me opening on Christmas, the APDT has issued a press release to promote the benefits of positive training. As a trainer and Lab lover, I thought it was important to pass this along. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers States Marley & Me Highlights the Positive ImpactRead more

Reminder from Hillside Dog Run

This is from the Hillside Dog Run Association: Now that we’ve received our first snow accumulation of the season, a reminder that when it snows, the hill at the Hillside Park is reserved for sledders. A Parks Department sign at the top of the hill indicates this. Some history: Before Hillside was designated a dogRead more

Fun Stuff for Thanksgiving

This is just something fun to watch today. I’m not always a fan of Canine Freestyle, but Gin is having one heck of a good time! Happy Thanksgiving!

Recent Dognapping Attempts

Ooh, this is scary. Please pass it along to your friends, especially on the Upper West Side. COMMUNITY ALERT DOGNAPPING attempts on the West Side There have been reports of attempts to steal dogs from their owners, by a man on a bicycle. The police think that this involves a man on a bicycle, whoRead more

The Time Has Come

After hoping to put off neutering Hank until he had filled out a little bit more, I finally made the appointment to have him fixed next Tuesday. He has been getting picked on in the dog run for being the only dog with testicles. At first he could get away with it because he wasRead more

This Is Amazing

Cute? Yes. Stupid? Yes. Am I addicted? Yes. What is it? It’s a live feed of a litter of Shiba Inu puppies. Go ahead, I dare you NOT to watch.

Jeffy’s Story

My friend, Jimmy, and his girlfriend, Rene, adopted a Bichon Frise named Jeffy this summer. Jeffy was recently hit by a car, suffered terrible injuries, but is now recovering at home. Please check out Jeffy’s website for his whole story and to read all about how Rene and Jimmy are taking care of him. It’sRead more

Sensitive Subject (Rated M for Mature)

When we adopted Hank we were advised that we might want to wait a while before we had him neutered. His little body had been through so much in his short life and waiting would give his body a chance to fully recover. This is where the story becomes sensitive, so the faint of heartRead more

Hank vs. A Scarf

Ahhh, the joys of having a puppy. Sometimes Hank does things that just make me laugh. He loves to pick stuff up in his mouth… of course, he is a retriever after all. Unless it’s something that is harmful I will usually just let him have it. I don’t want him to learn that IRead more

Article on

Melody Belle, a sweet Doxie that owns our good friend Rebecca, just published an article on and sent it to me. I’m not going to repost the article here, but it is about Charleston and needless to say it made me cry. If you want to read a great re-telling of his story, pleaseRead more