
Pet Insurance

I’m really interested to know people’s thoughts on Pet Health Insurance. I always figured it was not worth the expense for Charleston because he’s young and he’s always been healthy. For the last five years we’ve hardly been to the vet more than once a year for his check up. We are now faced with a serious health issue that no one could have seen coming. Without even having a clear diagnosis yet, we’ve already spent thousands of dollars in vet bills. It’s not like we have a vet that’s ripping us off (she’s amazing, I highly recommend Dr. Vinitsky at Park Slope Vets). Even the specialists we’ve seen at NYC Veterinary Specialists have been completely open about everything that’s been done.

Back to my original question. If we’d had insurance for Charleston would it have been a significant help? Has anyone had a good/bad experience with insurance? Does anyone have a company that they recommend?

I think that if we get through this health scare, we will insure Charlie. At the very least, maybe it’s like the old adage: if you have insurance you won’t need it, but if you don’t have it you will.

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