
Dog + Yoga = Doga

I’ve been hearing about this “Doga” for a few years now. At a time when I was taking many yoga classes someone gave me a book about it. I thought it was cute, but did not take it seriously. I am now reconsidering my initial dismissal of Doga.

There are actual group Doga classes that you can attend! Among them, are the classes at the Manhattan location of Bide-A-Wee every other Wednesday night taught by Kari Harendorf of East Yoga. Just type Doga into Google and you get tons of information, instructional videos and sites. In fact, there’s a blog dedicated to the practice and Barking Buddha classes.

Doga seems like a great way to bond with your dog if you also enjoy yoga. My guess is that it probably is not a serious study of yoga, but still a fun way to spend some time with your dog. I would like to try a class at some point. If anyone has done it before, I’d love to hear about your experience.

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